Thursday, January 3, 2008

What Lies Ahead in 2008

Wow! Can't believe it's 2008 already!!! Where did the time go? I can't help but feel that after turning 30, time just seems to go by faster and faster.

So, what lies ahead in 2008? Looks like it's going to be a year of many changes for me and my family. We're expecting our little girl in March. My parents are coming over to stay for a few months. Hubby returns from second deployment. And a possible move to Okinawa, Japan. I believe 2008 is going to be a challenging and yet exciting year for all of us.

Happy New Year Y'all!


Anonymous said...

I agree...although I've only hit the 25 year mark (lol) time does go by faster year after year. My hubby & I can't believe that 2007 is over!!! Sounds like you have a very very busy one ahead. Do you have any names picked out yet? When is your hubby due home? Good luck with everything & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like an exciting 2008 for you and your family. Best Wishes to you, for all good things.

JamyTan said...

I pray that God will keep you and your family for 2008.
May we learn to live in HIS wisdom.